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All-On-4® Dental Implants vs Other Dentures

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Which is better, All-On-4® dental implants or other kinds of dentures?

Once upon a time, the main way to fix missing teeth or severe dental issues was with dentures. While dentures are still a great option, depending on your unique circumstances, now there is a new solution. All-On-4® dental implants are permanent, easy to maintain, and resemble the look and feel of natural teeth.

The All-On-4® implant technique has been perfected, and (when using Nobel Biocare’s implants) presents up to a 98% success rate. Find out more about the difference between All-On-4® implants and removable dentures in the article below.

At The Point Dental, we use MALO Institute-certified techniques for All-On-4® implants. During a complimentary consultation, we’ll take a look at your mouth and assess your circumstance to work out if you are a good candidate for the All-On-4® treatment.

As well as All-On-4®, we are going to take a look at a host of other types of dentures and traditional implants including:

  • Full dentures
  • Over dentures
  • Traditional implant bridges

All-On-4® Dental Implants: The Pros and Cons

The revolutionary dental implant procedure, developed in 1998 by the MALO Institute, has become one of the most popular options for those seeking to replace missing or damaged teeth, or with little bone density in the jaw. The procedure involves attaching a set of implants to the mouth via a bridge. So what are the pros and cons of this permanent solution?


  • Permanent: You don’t need to worry about taking your implants out at the end of the day
  • Easy to clean: You brush your teeth as you would normally if they were real teeth. You don’t have to worry about costly cleaning methods
  • Full functionality: You can eat all food, including hard nuts and lollies, without fear of breaking or cracking your new teeth
  • Natural looking smile: Thanks to years of research, Nobel Biocare’s implants resemble natural looking teeth
  • Cost effective: Though the upfront fee appears expensive at first, it is often more affordable in the long run as most patients don’t need to replace their implants for the rest of their lives


There aren’t that many drawbacks to the All-On-4® procedure, but some potential complications may include:

  • Costly if damaged: If one implant comes loose, you’ll need the whole set of teeth replaced
  • Potential infection: Prolonged poor dental hygiene and care can lead to peri-implantitis
  • Limited eligibility: There is a small percentage of people who don’t qualify for All-On-4® implants due to a lack of bone mass in the jaw

Other Denture Types: The Pros and Cons

full set of dentures

There are a few different solutions for missing or damaged teeth. If you are missing only a few teeth, you may get an over denture. Or, if you don’t want to receive All-On-4® implants, you may get a traditional implant bridge inserted. Let’s take a look at the different kinds of dentures, and the positives and negatives of each.

1. Full denture

Full dentures are used for patients who have no teeth and would like to restore some functionality to their mouth.


  • Removable: You have the ability to take your dentures out to clean them and your gums and seek additional teeth replacement if necessary
  • Stability: Upper denture is stable
  • Affordable: This is the lowest cost option, upfront, for many patients


  • Uncomfortable: Many people say dentures cause them great discomfort and often result in ulcers from friction
  • Affects taste and speech: Because it covers the whole mouth, and the lower denture is very loose, some patients may find dentures affect the way they speak and eat
  • Ongoing costs: Dentures need to be replaced periodically, and are more fragile than other implant types

2. Over denture

over denture dental implant

This is for patients who want a more secure lower denture. The over-dentures are kept in place through dental implants. People with a large number of missing teeth, but enough bone mass, often choose this treatment.


  • Secure yet removable: While the denture sits securely on the lower jaw, you can still take it out for thorough cleaning
  • Comfort: It’s more comfortable than full dentures, thanks to the stability of the lower denture


  • Longer recovery time: It can take anywhere between 2-4 months before the over denture is placed correctly and you are able to resume eating normal foods
  • Potential for dental disease: If you don’t clean the bridge where you over denture attaches in y our mouth properly, you may be at risk of infection

3. Traditional implant bridge

An implant-supported dental bridge doesn’t require any alteration to your natural teeth, and is a fixed long-term solution for many patients.


  • Restored functionality: Feels and functions just like your natural teeth
  • Easy to care for: You brush and floss just like normal


  • Expensive: This treatment is more expensive than other treatments, like All-On-4®, which achieve the same (if not better) results
  • Length of time: It takes up to a full year before the procedure is classified as finished, and in the meantime, you may experience pain, infection, and limitations to what you can eat

So, while there are several types of treatment options to replace missing or damaged teeth, All-On-4® is the best in terms of minimal pain and maximum functionality.

Get in touch with our team at The Point Dental to find out whether you are a good candidate for All-On-4® dental implants.